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Work in the House of Commons

I am honoured to serve in the role of Associate Shadow Minister for Finance and Middle Class Prosperity (Affordable Government) on Pierre Poilievre's team!

The cost of government has gotten too expensive for Canadians under the Trudeau Liberals. This government needs to be held to account for its out of control spending and that is exactly what I will do in this role.

It's time to bring home lower prices by ending inflationary debt and deficits that drive up inflation and interest rates.
The Finance Minister can’t even answer basic questions about our country’s finances.
Justin Trudeau wants you to think that Canadians have never had it so good. Listen to what the director of the Ottawa food bank has to say.

As a result of pressure from Common Sense Conservatives, the Liberal Government was finally forced to reveal the true damage their tax is causing the Canadian economy.

They desperately tried to silence the Parliamentary Budget Officer from exposing this.

Common Sense Conservatives launched a motion calling on Trudeau to release their full data on how the carbon tax hurts Canadians.

The recent wave of violence towards Jews in Canada is disgusting.
Conservative motion passes the House calling on the Trudeau Government to increase efforts to stop antisemitic violence.
Larry the plumber, my constituent, said he will be crushed by Trudeau’s latest job-killing tax hike. Trudeau says only the wealthiest 0.13% will pay his capital gains tax increase. This is false.
Economists say massive government spending has led to higher interest rates.
 What does the governor of the Bank of Canada think of this question? 
While Canadians can barely afford to make ends meet because of inflation the Liberals say “Not our fault.”
“If the deficit spending had been half of that — $250 billion instead of $500 billion — would inflation have been less today?”
Bank of Canada: “Yes.”
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